The Sweetwater News

News from the Sweetwater, OK area. All Sweetwater related news is welcome and can be sent to News will be added throughout the day as it is received. The Sweetwater, OK webpage is located at

Friday, November 12, 2004

Friday, 11.12.04

We enjoyed a wonderful evening at Sweetwater's FBC's Fall Fun Fest and Walk Through The Bible Funhouse. The meal was fantastic as usual with approximately 80 in attendance. Thirty children took part in walking through the Bible receiving candy at each mini skit. Twenty-eight were involved in the production of the Walk Through The Bible Funhouse:
Milky Way - Joyce Taylor
Adam and Eve - Gerald and Judy Tipton
Noah - Tracy Reed
Abraham and Sarah - Wilber and Theresa Nabors
Isaac and Rebecca - Butch and Joan Hagerman
Joseph - Roy Varnel
Ruth - Clara Lou McGuire
Samson and Delilah - Greg Henson and Vikki Fowler
David - Jeremy Henson
Solomon - Lester Davis
Daniel - Ron Whipkey
Angels - Laci Fowler, Asleigh Hagerman, and Rachel Millar
Joseph and Mary - Nathan and Amanda Reed
Elijah - Roy Holland
Martha and Mary - Lisa Alexander and Jeanie Wrather
Zacheus - Eva Atkinson

Group Leaders: Ryan Baker, Jessica and Jace Millar, Pam and Kenny Reed, and Ed Wrather

Video Production - Cager Green

Video of the Walk Through the Bible Funhouse may be viewed at:

The videos are available in two speeds: 48kbps and 340kbps

If you have news that is Sweetwater related of any kind email me at News will be added all through the day as it is received. The Sweetwater, OK webpage is located at