The Sweetwater News

News from the Sweetwater, OK area. All Sweetwater related news is welcome and can be sent to News will be added throughout the day as it is received. The Sweetwater, OK webpage is located at

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Thursday, 09.23.04

Much has been happening in Sweetwater the last several days. Revival services at the Sweetwater First Baptist Church ended Wednesday night.

Clint Sinclair was the evangelist and did a wonderful job of preaching the Gospel.

Ryan Baker is again the Youth Pastor at FBC Sweetwater. Welcome back Ryan!!

Film producer, Johnny Graham, has been in attendance for a couple of services at FBC Sweetwater. Cloud Nine Productions is producing a commercial for OERB and has filmed from several locations in the Sweetwater area. Don Roberts, J.E. McGuire, Hershal Anderson and others have had roles in the commercial. The purpose is to hopefully encourage Oklahoma oil companies to stay in Oklahoma. It is planned for the commercial will air during the OU/Texas football game. Cloud Nine Productions has landed a helicopter (Ranger 8 ABC News) on the FBC Sweetwater parking lot to be prepared for additional filming in the morning.

If you have news that is Sweetwater related of any kind email me at News will be added all through the day as it is received. The Sweetwater, OK webpage is located at